Thursday 29 December 2011

Increase Bench Press Program

Critical Bench Program 2.0

"Here’s The Fastest And Easiest Way To Increase Your Bench Press And Skyrocket Your Muscle and Strength Gains…" 

If you currently struggle with your bench press program and you’d like to really increase the amount of weight you lift… I’m going to help you right now.
If you’d like to gain more muscle mass… so that you feel more confident and attractive… I’m going to help you.

If you’d like to excel in your school’s sport… and become the stronger, faster “go to” guy for your team… I’m going to help you.
My best selling and newly revised Critical Bench Press Program 2.0 will help you increase your bench press by up to 50 pounds in 10 weeks… while packing on muscle in the process.
Even if you have long arms, shoulder pain, wrist pain or sub-par genetics like me, this program is a guaranteed way to help you build a 200, 300 or 400 + pound bench press.
You’ll join over 10K other people that have been amazed with the results they’ve gotten from Critical Bench Press Program 2.0
  • Learn the only way to train so that you avoid over training. Your muscles need time to rest and recover. They grow between workouts not during workouts. Over training is the #1 mistake made by lifters of all levels and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen.
  • Discover the single biggest secret to training for strength and size. Remember… muscle gains are directly related to strength gains. As you get stronger… your muscles will get bigger.
  • Learn the single biggest mistake lifters make when trying to increase their bench press. This might be a great training method… but it's NOT when you’re trying to up your max. If you do this, your bench will go nowhere fast!
  •  Find out why your technique is so important. If you adjust your form like I show you…. you'll see a significant increase in the amount of weight you lift… without changing anything else.
  •  How to eliminate problems that come up for some people when bench pressing. Some people either hold the bar wrong, use their feet wrong, or use the wrong form. I’m going to show you how to eliminate ALL mistakes… so you greatly increase the weight you lift!
  •  Why the bench press can shock your muscles into growing faster and easier than anything else you do.
  • And much, much more!
This is just a sample of what you’ll learn in this program.


Bench Press Program

In designing a workout program to whip yourself into shape, nothing else gets you in shape faster than a good bench press program. The bench press is the most intense, as well as the most demanding, form of exercise you can put your body through. By focusing on your bench press, you could get your muscles to grow faster than they normally would otherwise. Not only that, but due to the intensity of the bench press, a ton of anabolic hormones are released into your bloodstream during this workout. The male hormone, Testosterone, is one of them.

Repetitions Verses Weight

Another thing about the bench press; if you focus on increasing your repetitions and weight as well, you will not only develop more muscle, you will also burn fat. So as you beef up, you also become leaner. Is it a wonder why bodybuilder's are so obsessed with their bench press? If done correctly, a good bench press program can be the easiest and fastest way to build muscle mass. Simply by increasing the amount of weight you lift. However, most people don't lift correctly; Therefore, they end up going weeks upon weeks without increasing the weight very much.

How Important is Strength?

There's an old proverb that goes, “strong men glory in their strength.”, or something like that. So it goes that a bench press is akin to a badge of honor, or a holy grail, among bodybuilders'. Men are naturally competitive, and the one who can bench the most usually wins the most respect of his fellow musclemen. Sometimes the strongest is the most feared!

Get the Most out of Your Bench Press Program

A good bench press program will work out every muscle in your body if done correctly. Your back gets worked, as well as your biceps and triceps, shoulders, chest, and even your legs. However, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. If you do the bench press too often, you will underuse other muscle groups. In other words, if you overuse the bench press, you will actually become weaker rather than stronger.

Proper Lifting Techinques

Proper lifting includes keeping your hands shoulder-width apart, keeping the bar level as you go down and back up, when you do down don't ever bounce the bar off your chest. You also want to use your feet as leverage when lifting, but don't arch your back. A person's back is the most important muscle group, as well as being the easiest to damage which would disable you for the rest of your life. Also, you can develop shoulder and elbow injuries if you get into the bad habit of jerking the bar around during your bench press program. Most importantly is the fact that you should always have a spotter helping you out when you lift. Therefore, it's a good idea to have a steady workout partner.

Some other things to consider during your bench press would be to only do a heavy workout every other day, and go light the other days. You should also eat a balanced diet of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in addition to taking the proper supplements so your body will have the fuel it needs to energize your workout routine. A popular supplement that is used by many bodybuilders' is creatine, which is usually found in fish and meat as well as taken orally, in powdered drink or capsule form.

 If you are overweight, you will burn calories with the increased muscle mass. Likewise, if you are skinny, you will increase your muscle and your physique. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone.
A good bench press program is more than just having an eye-catching upper body or an ego.

Click Here To Learn How To Increase Your Bench Press By 50 Lbs In 10 Weeks:

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Top 10 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

To build muscles fast to a category of people we may refer to as hardgainers is usually a hard task, they try lifting, eating and resting and still come out empty handed. Well, for a hardgainer, what they need isn’t the lifting or the eating or even the resting but rather tips showing where they had been going wrong, what you'll need is a well rounded hardgainer workout and diet plan. To build muscle fast and efficiently can be observed through various methods of exercising however, you don’t just build muscle fast out of the blues, no, you have to put some efforts towards the challenge. Those people who gain muscle fast do so because they accepted the challenge and took it head on. The following ten tips will show just how easy and possible it would be for a hardgainer to gain muscle in no time.

Understand Progressive Overload
This is one of the biggest challenges facing many people struggling to build muscle fast. Although to some point this part may be tricky, it requires devotion as you will be doing extra. This is by increasing or doubling your daily workout schedule. You may say that it is perhaps torture of some sort, but believe me it is worth every step. Start by increasing those reps as well as the weight you lift. With no time, the body will start adapting to the changes in the workout and you will start seeing results.

The Rule of 8-12 reps
This is adapted to help in the stimulation of muscle growth. If you are doing reps of 3-6, you are seemingly enhancing strength however, if you intend to build muscle, triple the situation and results will begin to manifest. Again, this is not a battle field, just a challenge on your way to portray your given enthusiasm in doing the right thing. This is where you need to increase in the weight lifting situation as well. Sincerely, to gain muscle isn’t a big joke is it?

The Rule of 6-9 sets
Yes you can, the 6-9 sets which will dominate each body part will enable you stimulate muscle growth. You should also focus on keeping those workouts on a clock time of less than 45 minutes. This is in particular to control or inhibit hormone releases which mostly are responsible to ruining your hard work by breaking the muscle tissue. As you can see, this is one of the challenges facing any hardgainer and by following these steps carefully; he or she will surely start performing.

Are you eating Enough Food?
Because while you workout there are those muscle tissues that get torn, you should eat enough food for replacement to take place, you will indeed build muscle fast if you do not give food a break and thus this is one of the rules to be observed by a hardgainer or any other person who wishes to gain muscle fast.

What are you eating? (A)
This rule is essential because it focuses on the diet, most people who don’t perform well in gaining muscles is probably because they aren’t eating the right portions of meals or rather the correct meals. On what are you eating part A, we are going to look into the proteins, this is a requirement in any diet as one endeavors to gain muscle. Ensure that you eat foods rich in proteins as well as increasing the amounts since you have also doubled your lifting and conditioning exercises. Eat chicken, steak, pork, eggs, cheese and whey protein powder shakes for improvement.

What are you eating (B)
This area focuses on fat eating. Though in bodybuilding it isn’t a recommendation, when you eat fat, hormones will be provoked to boost their performance in muscle building and thus do not go for those steroids!

Are you taking enough fluids?
Learn to take water and those protein shakes in great amounts. Your body needs them!

Do not overwork your hear!
They say too much of something is poisonous and this is the case with excessive cardio. Limit cardio because it steals off that fat that will be used to build muscles. If you have to perform them, do so after your heavy lifting!

Are you getting enough Sleep?
Hormones that spearhead muscle growth are particularly active in slumber land. Therefore, enough sleep is essential. This is the time that muscle tissues are also repaired as well as better flow of blood to the muscles.

Don’t be stressed!
Depression and stress is the killer of building muscles, try to avoid it as much as possible and you will see wonderful results.

Discover How You Can Immediately Double Your Muscle Gains, Remodel ANY "Weak" Bodypart, Smash EVERY Plateau, All While Revealing Your Abs At The SAME Time, Click Here: